
1922 No D - Weak Die Pair 3

When determining if you have a 1922 D No D either a Weak or Strong reverse there are several characteristic to help determine this.  Also if you are looking at purchasing a 1922 No D some dealers will give you the die pair number so you need to know which version of this coin you are purchasing.  Die pair 3 is one of 2 weak die pairs and are not as valuable as the Strong variety.  The third die pair is much stronger then die pair 1 in the front and reverse. On the obverse is the second 2 on the date is weaker then the first 2 but not as dramatic as Die Pair 1.  On the reverse you may be able to see that at the bottom of the "O" in One Cent you can see flat spots.  Once again the reverse will appear weak compared to the front for the grade of the coins as in the photo above the coin is uncirculated but you do not have complete wheat stocks on the reverse.


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